Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Banners Broker Version 2.9

Here are the major features of 2.9 and the changes to 2.8:

Changes in Design:

The backoffice of 2.9 will have a new outfit. As far as we could see in the Q&A, everyone will soon be familiar with it. So don't worry.

Changes in Traffic and Traffic Allowance (aka Macro):

2.9 will have 4 different types of traffic banks for each colour:

- Sales Credits:

The positive aspect concerning sales traffic in 2.9 is, that the system returned to 1/2 sales credit for ALL kinds of qualifications. While 2.8 only gave you 1/4 sales credit if you referral qualified a panel with TP, in 2.9 you will get also 1/2 sales credit in this case. All sales credits are automatically allocated to these colours, which your referral used. This is unchanged.

Sales Credits (SC) don't affect the Traffic Allowance anymore. This may have different effects on different accounts. The positive point is, that in 2.9. you can qualify panels with sales credits REGARDLESS of your Traffic Allowance (TA). Even if your TA is zero for a specific colour, you can qualify unlimited panels of this colour with sales credits, as long as you have some for this colour.

That said, qualification with Sales Credits will NOT increase the Traffic Allowance of the lower colour as well as it will NOT decrease the Traffic Allowance of the actual color, as it happened in 2.8.

- Bought Traffic (Traffic Packs):

TPs are the ONLY type of traffic, which will affect your Traffic Allowance. The rules concerning this are the same as in 2.8. This means, for all those who run their account only with TPs and have no other type of traffic, NOTHING will change concerning TAs.

The only change, which affects all of us, is the new allocation of TPs. While in 2.8. you could use TPs (General Traffic) whenever and wherever you wanted, in 2.9 you need first to activate the TP and allocate it to colours. You must allocate a TP completely before you can use this traffic. BUT you can have unlimited not activated TPs, which are waiting for this process. You can use them on demand (as long as you have some). Traffic (and consequently TPs) never expire.

Organic Traffic:

Organic traffic didn't work in the last time in 2.8. This is addressed in 2.9 and you can promote the websites with organic traffic again. It will stay unchanged, that each hit (click) will be worth 5 Points, which will be put into your organic traffic bank. Before you can use this traffic, you have also to allocate it to colours.

- Incentive Traffic:

This new type of traffic will be given for doing some tasks within BB and will be specified later. The rules for using this type of traffic will be the same as above, it means it must be also allocated to colours before you can use it. Credits from Rollups of your referral will also be placed in this traffic bank.

As conclusion we will have 28 different traffic banks which we can use: Each of the above traffic types (4) x Each colour (7).

New Panel- and Package type:

2.9. will give us a new type of Panel - the Prestige Panel. It will have the same rules, as black had it in 2.8., but of course a higher value (3x). Especially there will be no limit concerning Traffic Allowance for this highest panel. That said, a limit for TA will be introduced with the known rules (5) for Black (because it is not the highest panel in 2.9). So Black will be treated in this case the same way as all colours below.

Equivalent there will be also a Prestige Package available to buy. This will be used for the initial purchase and will follow the same rules as in 2.8. with all other colours.

New Membership:

With 2.9 the Executive Membership will be introduced. The monthly fee for this will be 500$ and you will get additional features: VIP Phone-support, a presentation of your business in the BB-blog, cheaper traffic booster and faster withdrawal.

The already known memberships "Standard" and "Premium" will have the same conditions as in 2.8.

For existing members there will be the Grandfathers Clause introduced, which decides, if an existing member will become an Executive Member or will stay within his current membership status.

The criterias to be automatically switched to Executive Membership:

- You have currently MORE than 29 TPs
- You have currently pending withdrawals of MORE than 10.000$
- You have currently 9 - 29 TPs and decide to subscribe to another one AFTER 2.9 is live

The criterias to stay Premium / Standard:

- All members who have currently less than 10 TPs and less than 10.000$ pending withdrawals (after 2.9 is live), stay Premium (or Standard, if they have less than 2 TPs)
- All members who have currently 10 - 29 TPs stay Premium as long as they don't subscribe to another TP (after 2.9 is live) and/or as long they don't have pending withdrawals above 10.000$ (Grandfather Clause)

To enter the Executive Membership, you MUST have at least one Black Panel. This does NOT mean, that you become Executive Member, IF you have Black Panels. Once you fulfill the ABOVE criterias for being an EXECUTIVE, you will be forced by the system to purchase at least a black panel (in the case you don't already have one) before you can proceed.

In other words: If you are currently at between 9 and 29 TPs and you want to subscribe to another TP in 2.9, the system will not let you do this subscription as long as you don't have a black panel. That said, ALL members (equal which level) CAN have black and even prestige panels WITHOUT being an Executive.

The Executive membership ONLY depends on 2 things:

- Number of Traffic Packs
- Amount of pending withdrawals

It DOES NOT depend on ANY panel colour you have. You will NEVER be switched ONLY because you purchase a black or prestige panel.

Qualifying Panels:

In 2.9 you will have the following possibilities to qualify a panel:

- Fully Sales Credits:

SC-bank for this specific colour will be reduced by 1 Panel-Value. NO changes on ANY Traffic Allowance.

Your Sponsor:
SC-bank for this specific colour will increase for 1/2 Panel-Value.

- Half Sales Credits / Half TP:

SC-bank for this specific colour will be reduced by 1/2 Panel-Value
TP-bank for this specific colour will be reduced by 1/2 Panel-Value
Traffic Allowance for this specific colour will be reduced by 1/2 Panel-Value (because only 1/2 qualification with TP)
Traffic Allowance for the lower colour will be increased by 1 Panel-Value of the lower colour (because higher colour only 1/2 qualification with TP)

Your Sponsor:
SC-bank for this specific colour will be increased by 1/4 Panel-Value (1/2 of the 1/2, because the other part is qualified from you with TP)
TP-bank for this specific colour will be increased by 1/4 Panel-Value (1/2 of the 1/2, because the other part is qualified from you with SC)
So all together 1/2 Credit, but - and this is new - allocated to the appropriate types of traffic

- Fully TP:

TP-bank for this specific colour will be reduced by 1 Panel-Value
Traffic Allowance for this specific colour will be reduced by 1 Panel-Value
Traffic Allowance for the lower color will be increased by 2 Panel-Value of the lower colour

Your Sponsor:
TP-bank for this specific colour will be increased for 1/2 Panel-Value.

- Fully Organic:

Organic-bank for this specific colour will be reduced by 1 Panel-Value. NO changes on ANY Traffic Allowance.

Your Sponsor:
Organic-bank for this specific colour will be increased for 1/2 Panel-Value.

- Fully Incentive:

Incentive-bank for this specific colour will be reduced by 1 Panel-Value. NO changes on ANY Traffic Allowance.

Your Sponsor:
Organic-bank for this specific colour will be increased for 1/2 Panel-Value.

- Half Organic / Half Incentive:

Organic-bank for this specific colour will be reduced by 1/2 Panel-Value. NO changes on ANY Traffic Allowance.
Incentive-bank for this specific colour will be reduced by 1/2 Panel-Value. NO changes on ANY Traffic Allowance.

Your Sponsor:
Organic-bank for this specific colour will be increased by 1/4 Panel-Value (1/2 of the 1/2, because the other part is qualified from you with Incentive traffic)
Incentive-bank for this specific colour will be increased by 1/4 Panel-Value (1/2 of the 1/2, because the other part is qualified from you with Organic traffic)
So all together 1/2 Credit, but - and this is new - allocated to the appropriate types of traffic

Credits for Rollup Panels will be placed in the Incentive Traffic.

Important Update: (Update 18/02/2013) (thanks for this information to our Beta-Testers)

Any qualification of a panel from a referral with TP (or half TP), where the credit is transfered to the TP-bank of the Sponsor, DOES increase the Traffic Allowance in the Sponsor's account.

Locking Panels: (Update 18/02/2013) (thanks for this information to David Huskey)

A) When a new panel (Purchased Panel) is locked the referrer gets a full Sales Credit in the referrer's Sales Credit Bank. (2 full Sales Credits are enough to qualify one panel of that color).

B) When a new, not locked, panel (Purchased Panel) is qualified with Purchased Traffic the referrer gets a full Traffic Credit in the referrer's Purchased Traffic Credit Bank for that color, plus a full Traffic Allowance into the Traffic Allowance for that color (2 full traffic credits plus two full Traffic Allowance credits are enough to qualify one panel of that color).

C) When a new, not locked, panel (Purchased Panel) is qualified with Sales Credit Traffic the referrer gets a full Sales Credit in the referrer's Sales Credit Traffic Bank for that color. (2 full sales credits are enough to qualify one panel).

From A) and B) above you can see that in order for there to be any Sales Credits at all someone down the line had to have purchased and locked a panel.

D) When 3 not locked new panels or 3 re-purchased panels are rolled up (or a combination of re-purchased and not locked new panels) then the referrer gets a full sales credit in the referrer's Incentive Credit Bank for the higher or "rolled up to" color. (2 full sales credits are enough to qualify one panel).  No sales credits are available if the pre-rolled-up panel was a locked purchased panel.

This last point "D)" is a huge improvement over BB V2.8. Never before was it possible to completely qualify a panel with rolled-up panel credits alone because of the lack of Traffic Allowance.   This is now "Fixed" in V2.9..

Also note that even though the referrer gets Traffic Credits in the Purchased Traffic Bank when a referral Locks a Purchased Panel, there is no need to "Allocate" this traffic because it is already allocated to the same color that was locked by the referral.

In addition to the above, it holds that when anyone qualifies a panel 100% or 50% from Purchased traffic Bank, Sales Traffic Bank, Organic Traffic Bank, or Incentive traffic Bank, that panel will release the same type of Traffic Bank credit to the referrer, when that credit is due to be released. 

New 10% Clause: (Update 19/02/2013)

You will have to have 10% of your panels set to 100%, this is (regarding to the information of Terry Stern, thank you for this) to counter people who have abused the system buying 5000 yellow panels and aren't using the larger ones to build their business. The problem is in buying all smaller panels, that there's no sustainability in the system. So, to promote sustainability in the system 1 in 10 of your panels per colour need to be set to 100%. If you have 1 or 2 or even 5 panels, what happens then? Well, since you can't have a percentage of a panel set to 100%, it only takes effect once you have 10 panels in any colour. Those of you who have only a couple or a few of any one colour don't have to worry about the 10% rule, it only takes effect after you have 10 panels in any colour.

New Rule for Accounts: (Update 25/02/2013)

When you ask for a withdrawal, you must leave an amount equal to one month's expenses in your ewallet or the withdrawal will be denied. If you don't have this amount in your wallet, you also can't transfer any package or panel.

All other major rules (assuming I have nothing forgotten) will stay the same as in 2.8. This should be only a small guideline, the details you will learn when you use the system.

1 comment:

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